Our Patient Philosophy Our bodies are designed to heal themselves naturally especially after any type of injury. Proactive Chiropractic Care is a branch of the healing arts that restores function, balance,…
The Ultimate Chronic Back Pain Treatment New Wave Chiropractic Care Center Back pain is the most common and number one cause of disability nationwide. Many patients do not know that chiropractic…
Did you know that Carpal Tunnel is one of the most frequently mis-diagnosed conditions that chiropractors help with? It is also a condition that is commonly sent to surgery. What…
Jaw Pain, Grinding, or Clicking? You may have TMJD My fascination with the upper cervical spine and its relationship to the nervous system and whole body health has taken my…
The majority of patients that come to see me are dealing with some sort of back pain or dysfunction of the body. The one thing common to all these conditions…
Have you ever heard of text neck? What about Pokemon Go? Well, if you have had any recent interaction with the internet, radio or tv than of course you have!…
Chiropractic helps resolve chronic severe menstrual cramps naturally for this patient and brings a better quality of life to her and her family. We will protect this patient’s privacy by…
This is the book that explores advanced concepts in healing and is the tool to launch your own healing miracles. Maintain your family’s health without dangerous drugs and risky surgeries.