New Wave Nutrition

Lion Diet (Beef, Salt, Water)

Beef or other ruminants may be consumed, which is a class of animal grazers with 4 stomachs and hooves.  (Excludes Pig, Fish, Chicken, Dairy and Eggs). All parts of animal may be eaten including bone broth and organs from ruminants.

The diet is a stricter version of Carnivore coined by Michaela Peterson who used it to control her severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and her father Jordan Peterson who was able to fight off his crippling depression by following this very strict version.  Joe and Charlene Anderson have done this diet the longest of any known living humans, over 25 years and have successfully cured Charlene’s Lyme Disease with the Diet.  They both appear extremely vibrant and youthful and seem to have slowed the aging process. This is recommended as the starting point for an elimination diet and should be followed for at least 1 month strictly before adding any foods back.  Progress to Carnivore for variety if desired. 

Carnivore Diet -Meat and Animal Products Only

Majority of diet should be ruminant animals (beef, buffalo, venison, etc.) like the Lion Diet, but also can add other animals for variety, availability, as well as eggs and dairy. 

Animal Based – Meat, All Animal Products, Honey, Fruit and White Rice are all allowed

This term was coined by Paul Saladino M.D. Animal Products form the basis of nutrition, but some plants are also included, permitted, and enjoyed, including fruit, honey, and perhaps white rice.  This has more carbohydrates than either of the above diets.

Plant Paradox – This diet removes all grains except white rice, removes the nightshade vegetables, and removes all legumes.

The diet coined by Stephen Gundry M.D. The benefit of this diet is the exclusion of the most offensive, toxic and poisonous plants.  No Grains (except white rice) Legumes, or Nightshade Vegetables permitted, but most other plants are allowed.  Dr Paul Hodgson still believes animal nutrition should be the basis of nutrition here, but plants are allowed for enjoyment, convenience, tradition, etc.

Paleo – Removes All Grains and Legumes and Artificial foods like corn syrup and seed oils. (Dr Paul Hodgson would say keep white rice as a modification of this diet for convenience and variety)

 This way of eating means eat like a caveman.  Eating whatever we could theoretically hunt or gather before cities and modern agriculture were developed.  The “edible” plants we see today have been modified, selected and bred to be very dissimilar to ancestral plants so animal products should still be the basis of nutrition here, but permits essentially any whole foods besides grains and legumes.  Remain wary of food additives and altered food states like corn syrup or seed oils like canola, soybean or corn oil, avoid these in any diet as they are toxic.

SAD Standard American Diet: This Diet allows for all foods to be consumed, but claims that through correct ratios and variety, the best health outcomes can be achieved. Very poor outcomes for most.

Essentially there are no category restrictions here, eat like the government and USDA tell you.  They recommend only considering macronutrients like complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates, fats, and protein.  There is no consideration of anti-nutrients or bioavailability considered here. There is very little scientific basis in this diet and the results of this diet have likely produced the most disease-ridden society in the history of the world. This is the diet taught by most hospitals, dieticians and institutions.