The abnormal immune response (allergies) is caused by an initial exposure of the immune system to proteins in the blood. The immune system is designed to recognize proteins that are foreign, and then both attacks those proteins and sends a signal to be on high alert for these proteins. The immune system also remembers these proteins so it can quickly ramp up a response to a future detection of these proteins. This is a good system because all invading germs, including viruses and bacteria are made up of proteins, and their speedy detection and destruction is critical to our survival during an infection.
But don’t we need to eat protein to live and be healthy? Yes we do, but proteins are digested in the stomach into smaller molecules called amino acids that are absorbed in the gut and allowed to travel within the blood stream because they are marked as safe by other carrier proteins. The carrier proteins tell the immune system they are safe proteins and ok to be traveling around. So it’s really unaccompanied proteins that are in the blood stream that activate the immune system and are the source of allergies.
Unaccompanied proteins will typically find their way into the blood stream through 2 main mechanisms. The first is a leaky gut. The gut, or your digestive system, is actually a tube that goes from your mouth to your anus. And things contained within the got are not technically in the body yet until they have been absorbed. So one of the main functions of the gut is to keep the bad things out, which is just as important as absorbing the good things we put in our body. But a damaged gut, which can happen from exposure to pesticides, chemicals, and even many compounds found in plant foods, can rip small holes in this gut, allowing proteins to ‘leak’ into the body and bloodstream and setting the scene for allergies to occur.
The second common mechanism where proteins enter the bloodstream is vaccination. It has become increasingly difficult to discuss this phenomenon openly and freely or for it to be studied in a meaningful way as political will and powerful pharmaceutical companies wield more and more power, and any potential harm caused by vaccination is downplayed, scrubbed, and those who discuss it are attacked. But it remains true that proteins are routinely injected into the majority of children from an early age, and that unaccompanied proteins provoke immune responses. It should also be no surprise then, that the biological ingredients in many vaccines are also some of the most common allergens. They actually use these to manufacture the vaccines (as something they grow the microorganisms in) or directly in the vaccines as ingredients. Things like peanuts, other nuts, fish, eggs, and dairy are all used in vaccine manufacturing and have the effect that our immune systems are exposed to unaccompanied proteins of some of the most common foods, and significantly increase the likelihood of allergies to these foods. Latex is often kept over the vial to seal a vaccine vial, and the tiny amount that remains on the end of the needle when it pierces the latex can make its way into the bloodstream, initiating an allergy. Latex allergy’s are so common that products that contain latex always say it on the label so it doesn’t hurt unsuspecting people.
While most physicians are less aware of these risks and complications of vaccines, those who regularly treat allergies often recommend a cessation of vaccinations entirely, and until recent political pressure changed policy, allergies were generally considered a sufficient reason for medical exemptions to vaccines. The changes in policy were not due to new scientific understanding, but rather by industry and governmental pressures to increase vaccination rates, in spite of what is known about their harmful effects.
The other piece of the puzzle is to help patients heal their gut and understand and avoid the mechanisms where they get exposed to unaccompanied proteins in the bloodstream and eliminate this stress on the immune system. The final piece of the puzzle is to make sure that the nervous system is functioning optimally as it is well documented that the nervous system helps control and modulate the immune system.
The other piece of the puzzle is to help patients heal their gut and understand and avoid the mechanisms where they get exposed to unaccompanied proteins in the bloodstream and eliminate this stress on the immune system. The final piece of the puzzle is to make sure that the nervous system is functioning optimally as it is well documented that the nervous system helps control and modulate the immune system. We do this with a combination of traditional chiropractic and reflex muscle testing to correct problems affecting the nervous system, thus helping it to more effectively coordinate the immune system and all other systems within the body.
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